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New Contributor III
since ‎06-27-2024

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  • 4 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 1 Kudos given
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I'm conducting my own comparative study between a cluster with Photon enabled and a cluster without Photon to see what improvements occur. According to Databricks, there should be up to 12x better performance, but I'm only finding about a 20% improve...
I have the following codePreviously I have a delta table with 180 columns in my_path´, I select a column and try to overwrite columns_to_select = ["one_column"] df_one_column =*columns_to_select) df_one_column.write.format("de...
Photon appears as an option to check and uncheck as appropriate.The use of Photon leads to higher consumption of DBUs and higher costs.At what point does it pay off and when not to enable it.More costs for the use of photon, but at the same time less...
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