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since ‎08-27-2021

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  • 8 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 4 Kudos given
  • 8 Kudos received

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The documentation explains how to use multicursor in notebooks. However, it only says it for Windows and MacOS. The Windows way would work in Linux (Ubuntu) up to a few days ago but it does not work now anymore.
The help of `dbx sync` states that ```for the imports to work you need to update the Python path to include this target directory you're syncing to```This works quite well whenever the package is containing only driver-level functions. However, I ran...
When I load a table as a `pandas_on_spark` dataframe, and try to e.g. scatterplot two columns, what I obtain is a subset of the desired points. For example, if I try to plot two columns from a table with 1000000 rows, I only see some of the data - i...