Hi ,I am trying to create catalog and database its not allowing databricks , please suggest .Here my code .base_dir = "/mnt/files"spark.sql(f"CREATE CATALOG IF NOT EXISTS dev")spark.sql(f"CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS dev.demo_db") first i ne...
Hi , I done activities Bronze and Silver , after i trying to saving table to Gold container but unable to storing .i created External database .I want store data to PARQUET but not supporting ,only DELTA.only MANAGED LOCATION supporting but unabl...
Hi ,Please find the below errorAnalysisException: [RequestId=2e102048-fdde-4293-8cfe-8f0d866e5a1c ErrorClass=INVALID_STATE] Metastore storage root URL does not exist. Please provide a storage location for the catalog (for example 'CREATE CATALOG my...
Hi,i am using parquet format only.Bronze and Silver both are parquet tables , its not managed tables .---3-You want to create a external gold table in parquet format ? yes , i want to create table gold blob container.
Hi Rishabh,First i tired but not workingcreate database if not exists sales_dblocation "/mnt/lakehouse/gold/sales_db" Later started below i am trying to create %sqlCREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS sales_dbdbLOCATION 'abfss://<storagelocation>.dfs....
hi , please find the below CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS sales_dbdbMANAGED LOCATION 'abfss://unity-catalog-storage@dbstorage7wauw2kjcu3u6.dfs.core.windows.net/107512296614625'andcreate table sales_dbdb.country_wise_daily_salesaleusing delta asselec...