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New Contributor III
since ‎08-02-2024
a week ago

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I am querying a table from the Databricks Catalog which I have to filter several columns with the same criteria.  below is what I have created so far.  I have 10 columns that I have filter with a set of criteria from (dx_list1) and another 10 that I ...
I am trying to exclude rows with a specific variable when querying using pyspark but the filter is not working.  Similar to the "Not like" function in SQL.  e.g. not like '%var4%'.  The part of the code that is not working is: (col('col4').rlike('var...
Hi,Is there a "Find and replace" option to edit SQL code?  I am not referring to the "replace" function but something similar to Control  + shift + F in Snowflake or Control + F in MS Excel.
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