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New Contributor III
since ‎08-06-2024

User Stats

  • 6 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
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  • 1 Kudos received

User Activity

I am working on setting up an asset bundle and it is failing when I try to validate the bundle.  I am getting an error saying "Credential was not sent or was of an unsupported type for this API."I have a profile created and am using an access token t...
I have a list of about 80 tables that I need to load from an Oracle database into Databricks via JDBC.  I would like to do this in parallel, instead of looping through one table at a time.I have a function defined to ingest the data:  def ingest_data...
I have a main notebook where I am setting a python variable to the name of the catalog I want to work in.  I then call another notebook, using %run, which runs an insert into using a SQL command where I want to specify the catalog using the catalog v...
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