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since ‎11-21-2024

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  • 27 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 3 Kudos given
  • 4 Kudos received

User Activity

I have a workflow job (source is git) to access a notebook and execute it.  From the job, it failed with error:Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling : com.databricks.WorkflowException: com.databricks.NotebookExecutionException: FAI...
I have user input as a Notebook, which process data and save it to a global temp view.    Now I have my caller notebook to execute the input Notebook with dbutils.notebook API. Since the user can do anything in their notebook, I would like to analyze...
Hi all, according to this doc, we can pass data back through temp views, DBFS, or JSON data.However, in my case, i need to pass both a temp view, as well as some metadata in JSON.  is there a way to exit with BOTH a view AND json, something likedbuti...
I have a job to move notebook from Volume to workspace, then execute it with Instead of directly running the notebook, i want to append some logic (i.e. Save results to a certain able) at the end of the notebook, is there a su...
Hi team!I have a Notebook (notebook A) in workspace and I'd like to execute it with %run command from another Notebook (notebook B).  It works perfect with command: %run /workspace/path/to/notebook/ANow, i want to specify above path in a variable, an...
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