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New Contributor III
since ‎11-26-2024
a month ago

User Stats

  • 6 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 1 Kudos given
  • 1 Kudos received

User Activity

 We are working on a project with the following setup:The Bronze table is append-only.The Silver table uses "APPLY CHANGES INTO" from the Bronze table and implements SCD Type 1, meaning records can be updated at any time.We are trying to use the Silv...
We are performing a full load of API data into the Bronze table (append only), and then using the APPLY CHANGES INTO query to move data from Bronze to Silver using Stream to get only new records. How can we also utilize the APPLY AS DELETE functional...
Is it possible to create a repository with a Databricks asset bundle that includes the following pipelines?Test1 (Delta Live Table Pipeline)Test2 (Delta Live Table Pipeline)Test3 (Delta Live Table Pipeline)Workflow JobWorkflow to execute the above pi...
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