Hi @jtberman , you need to make several configurations in variables in order to run the deployment via Azure DevOps pipeline. We had configured our project successfully using DAB to deploy via Azure DevOps pipeline. Following are variables(refer atta...
Refer this answer and this can be a solution to above scenario -> https://community.databricks.com/t5/data-engineering/getting-job-id-dynamically-to-create-another-job-to-refer-as-job/m-p/102860/highlight/true#M41252
Hi Team,Yes this solution of referencing the variable ${resources.jobs.<job-name>.id} works within the same bundle and this should be a solution. I had tried that by creating multiple workflows and referencing that.
Hi Team, the deployment via DAB(Databricks Asset Bundle) reads all yml files present and based on that workflows are generated. In the previous versions of Databricks CLI prior to 0.236(or latest one), it use to delete all the workflow by making dele...