I enabled the internal hive on the metastore federation using this query commandCREATE CONNECTION IF NOT EXISTS internal-hive TYPE hive_metastoreOPTIONS (builtin true);But I can't get a password or username to access the JDBC URL.
I am unable to find the correct password for the internal Hive metastore I created. The protocol used was JDBC. What is the best way to connect to it? Additionally, I want to connect to an external Hive metastore as well.
Not really, what I want to achieve is connecting to an external hive but I do want to configure the external hive on our server to be able to interact with the Databricks cluster in such a way that I could have access to thrift protocol.
Below is my hive configuration<property><name>javax.jdo.option.ConnectionDriverName</name><value>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</value></property><property><name>javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL</name><value>jdbc:mysql://35.239.****:3306/organization4589753****...
My primary objective is to access Unity Catalog from an external Big Data platform. I have tried the following configuration:"type" = "iceberg", "iceberg.catalog.uri" = "https://*********.gcp.databricks.com/api/2.1/unity-catalog/iceberg", "iceberg.c...