As of 2024-Dec-10, I checked my certificate verification page for "Databricks Certified Associate Developer for Apache Spark 3.0". Its "Expires on" section now shows "Does not expire".What do I make of this? Did they remove expiration again? Or this ...
@Kaniz Fatma​ I did not ask the original question. @Emiel Smeenk​ had asked and answered his own question stating that the issue was fixed on its own (probably due to latest patch).
@Kaniz Fatma​ Your answer suffices my query. Thanks!In addition, for fellow developers, I later noticed that these release notes are also available on the home screen of your Databricks workspace.
@Emiel Smeenk​ We were facing the same issue and suddenly 2022-Apr-20 onwards it resolved itself.Question:- Is there any website where I can see/track these "patches"?Edit: Added Question.
You can use {} in spark.sql() of pyspark/scala instead of making a sql cell using %sql.This will result in a dataframe. If you want you can create a view on top of this using createOrReplaceTempView()Below is an example to use a variable:-# A variab...