I'm getting the following error when I'm trying to load a h2o model using mlflow for prediction
Job with key $03017f00000132d4ffffffff$_990da74b0db027b33cc49d1d90934149 failed with an exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:...
stacktrace: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Test/Validation dataset has no columns in common with the training set at hex.Model.adaptTestForTrain(Model.java:1568) at hex.Model.adaptTestForTrain(Model.java:1404) at hex.Model.adaptTestForT...
OSError: Job with key $03017f00000132d4ffffffff$_9993cede52525f90fe9729b1ddb24cf7 failed with an exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Test/Validation dataset has no columns in common with the training set stacktrace: java.lang.Illeg...
import mlflow logged_model = 's3://mlflow-s3 sagemaker/1/58e5371188ed4t649d2d75686a9f155d/artifacts/model'
# Load model as a PyFuncModel.
loaded_model = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(logged_model)
# Predict on a Pandas DataFrame. import pandas as pd
@Dan Zafar I mentioned the incorrect path in the original question but I did train the model with correct file.
!wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mlflow/mlflow-example/master/wine-quality.csv
There is no issues when trying to predict using the...