Hi Team,
Could you please guide me on how can i prepare for Apache Spark Developer exam ? Will the 19hrs Apache Spark Developer Learning Plan be enough for it?
please guide
Hi amazing community folks,Feel free to share your experience or knowledge regarding below questions:-1.) Can we pass a CTE sql statement into spark jdbc? i tried to do it i couldn't but i can pass normal sql (Select * from ) and it works. i heard th...
Hi Databricks Team,At the moment, I cant find rewards to redeem. When can we expect new rewards to purchase? for eg:- to redeem certifications or some goodies.
Hi Databricks folks,hope you all are doing well and safe!I am planning to give Apache developer certificate exam in Jan end 2023 but trying to find Databricks voucher however I applied for one in December 2022 so I should get a $150 voucher in feb 20...
hey thanks so much for putting all information for me...1.) question :- r u sure about spark 2* version? we currently have 3.* but still cant do it. just to clarify our table coming from jdbc connection directly. for eg:- my_table is coming from a j...
yup…i did enrolled in few next week. Lets see and i see that i can also reimburse my points to get 100 percent off certification As well!!!thanks for your help!!!