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Valued Contributor II
since ‎10-14-2021

User Stats

  • 36 Posts
  • 4 Solutions
  • 3 Kudos given
  • 37 Kudos received

User Activity

Hey guys, I'm training a TF model in databricks, and logging to tensorboard using SummaryWriter. At the end of each epoch SummaryWriter.flush() is called which should send any buffered data into storage. But i can't see the tensorboard files while th...
Hey Guys,I have few question that i hope you can help me with.I start to train pytorch model in distributed training using petastorm + Horovod like databricks suggest in docs.Q 1:I can see that each worker is train the model, but when epochs are done...
Hey Guys, I'm having some permission issues using service principal and instance profile and i hope you could help me.I created a service principal and attached to it an instance profile - databricks-my-profile.I have a s3 bucket with policy that all...
Hey Guys, I'm trying to make automated process to run ML training sessions using mlflow and databricks jobs.While developing the model on my local machine using IDE, When finished I have a template notebook that get as parameters the mlflow project p...
Hey guys, I'm using petastorm to train DNN, First i convert spark df with make_spark_convertor and then open a reader on the materialized dataset.While i start training session only on subset of the data every thing works fine but when I'm using all...
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