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New Contributor III
since ‎10-13-2021

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  • 10 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 1 Kudos given
  • 5 Kudos received

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The dataframe 'big_df' looks like the below| id| index| timestamp||:---- |:------:| -----:|| abc| 1| 11:00:00|| abc| 1| 11:00:10|| abc| 1| 11:00:20|| abc| 1| 11:00:30|| abc| 1| 11:00:40|| abc| 1| 11:00:50|| abc| 2| 11:01:00|| abc| 2| 11:01:10|| abc| ...
An application receives messages from event hub. Below is a message received from event hub and loaded into a dataframe with one columnname,gender,idsam,m,001-----time,x,y,z,long,lat160,22,45,51,83,56230,82,95,48,18,26-----event,a,b,c034,1,5,6073,4,2...
The azure event hub "my_event_hub" has a total of 5 partitions ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4")The readstream should only read events from partitions "0" and "4"event hub configuration as streaming source:-val name = "my_event_hub" val connectionString = "m...
I have a getS3Object function to get (json) objects located in aws s3  object client_connect extends Serializable { val s3_get_path = "/dbfs/mnt/s3response" def getS3Objects(s3ObjectName: String, s3Client: AmazonS3): String = { val...
I am trying to execute an api call to get an object(json) from amazon s3 and I am using foreachPartition to execute multiple calls in paralleldf.rdd.foreachPartition(partition => { //Initialize list buffer var buffer_accounts1 = new ListBuffer[St...
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