Hi allI have a table created by DLT. Initially I specified cloudFiles.inferColumnTypes to false and all columns are stored as strings. However, I now want to use cloudFiles.inferColumnTypes=true. I dropped the table and re-ran the pipeline, which fai...
HiWhen I try to spin up a cluster, it gives me a bootstrap timeout error{ "reason": { "code": "BOOTSTRAP_TIMEOUT", "parameters": { "databricks_error_message": "[id: InstanceId(i-00b2b7acdd82e5fde), status: INSTANCE_INITIALIZING, workerEnv...
Hi @Cano, I looked for the instances on AWS console created by Databricks, then checked its VPC. My problem was a inbound rules in the ACL was restricted to SSH. Once I changed it to allow all inbound traffic it works correctly