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New Contributor II
since ‎12-11-2021

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  • 4 Posts
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  • 2 Kudos received

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Hi All Does anyone have some code or example of how to export my Databricks SQL results directly to an existing spreadsheet?Many ThanksKody_Devl
Hi AllI would like to Import my HTML notebook backup into my databricks account and use it as if it was my master (I am a developer and have many exported HTML backups that I may want to reuse. When you open an .HTML from backup, databricks has, ...
Hi All, I am new to Databricks and am writing my first program.Note: Code Shown Below:I am creating a table with 3 columns to store data. 2 of the columns will be appended in from data that I have in another table.When I run my append query into the...
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