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Contributor II
since ‎02-28-2022

User Stats

  • 16 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 2 Kudos given
  • 16 Kudos received

User Activity

Struggling with how to export a Spark dataframe as a *.csv file to a local computer. I'm successfully using the spark_write_csv funciton (sparklyr R library R) to write the csv file out to my databricks dbfs:FileStore location. Becase (I'm assuming)...
CommunityI'm running a sparklyr "group_by" function and the function returns the following info:# group by event_typeacled_grp_tbl <- acled_tbl %>% group_by("event_type") %>% summary(count = n())                   Length Cl...
CommunityI’ve been struggling with utilizing R language in databricks and after reading “Mastering Spark with R,” I believe my initial problems stemmed from not understating the difference between Spark DataFrames and R DataFrames within the databric...
I'm new to integrating the sparklyr / R interface in databricks. In particular it appears that sparklyr and R commands and functions are dependent upon the type of dataframe one is working with (hive, Spark R etc). Is there a recommend best practice...
I continues to receive a parsing error when attempting to convert lat/long data to a geohash in data bricks . I've tried two coding methods in R and get the same error.library(geohashTools)Method #1my_tbl$geo_hash <- gh_encode(my_tbl$Latitude, my_tbl...
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