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New Contributor III
since ‎01-16-2023

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  • 12 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 1 Kudos given
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We have a table using timestampNtz type for timestamp, which is also a cluster key for this table using liquid clustering. I ran OPTIMIZE <table-name>, it failed with errorUnsupported datatype 'TimestampNTZType' But the failed optmization also broke ...
More people begin to use TimestampNTZ as cluster key.According to the thread here Unsupported datatype 'TimestampNTZType' with liquid clustering , optimization is not supported yet. We use this type as cluster key in Production already and can't opti...
I am currently trying to write a dataframe to s3 likedf.write.partitionBy("col1","col2").mode("overwrite").format("json").save("s3a://my_bucket/")The path becomes `s3a://my_bucket/col1=abc/col2=opq/`But I want to path to be `s3a://my_bucket/abc/opq/`...
Hello,I am running spark structured streaming, reading from one table table_1, do some aggregation and then write results to another table. table_1 is partitioned by ["datehour", "customerID"]My code is like this:spark.readStream.format("delta").tabl...
I followed the documentation here under the section "Import a file into a notebook" to import a shared python file among notebooks used by delta live table. But it sometimes can find the module, sometimes not and returns me exception No module named ...
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