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Contributor II
since ‎01-11-2022

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  • 25 Posts
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  • 10 Kudos given
  • 17 Kudos received

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Currently I load multiple parquet file with this code:df ="/mnt/dev/bronze/Voucher/*/*")(Inside the Voucher folder, there is one folder by date. Each one containing one parquet file)How can I add a column into this DataFrame, that...
Hello everyone,I've created by error a DBFS folder named : ${env]But when I run this command :dbutils.fs.rm("/mnt/${env]")It returns me this error : Illegal character in path at index 12: /mnt/$%7Benv]How can I do please ...
Hello,We have a large XML file (9 GB) that we can't read.We have this error : VM size limitBut how can we change the VM size limit ?We have tested many clusters, but no one can read this file.Thank you for your help.
Hello,Is it possible to insert data from Databricks into an on-premise SQL Server ?Thanks.
Hello,We are new on Databricks and we would like to know if our working method are good.Currently, we are working like this :spark.sql("CREATE TABLE Temp (SELECT avg(***), sum(***) FROM aaa LEFT JOIN bbb WHERE *** >= ***)")With this method, are we us...