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New Contributor III
since ‎06-07-2022

User Stats

  • 7 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 5 Kudos given
  • 8 Kudos received

User Activity

Is it possible to schedule different runs for job with parameters? I have a notebook that generates data based on the supplied parameter but would like to schedule runs instead of manually starting them. I assume that this would be possible using the...
I'm trying to use bamboolib on the 11.0 recommended DBR. I am using the option "Databricks: Load database table" The databases and tables that are on the unity catalog do not populate the dropdown boxes. How can I fix this?
I'm unable to run any command that queries data from the unity catalog within a function that executes in the event of an ipywidget button click. Code block below. I cannot do queries such as spark.sql(f"SHOW SCHEMAS;") or spark.sql(f"select * from d...
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