USE is foundational. You need it at the catalog level and for any schema you want to access.
So let's say I need SELECT only on 1 table T1 in Catalog:C1, Schema:S1 (Though there may be 1K tables in that schema)
Then I would need
Databricks SQL is the Product Name.
Spark SQL is the SQL interface (SQL commands) that run by utilizing the power of Spark as a computing engine.
Unfortunately we do not support that.
We only support Global and Session level settings.
We have an internal feature request for this (DB-I-6556 ) but it has not been prioritized in the Roadmap.
That path is reliable but we would recommend not using that path in general. That's your workspace root storage.
Your data should be in a cloud path of your choosing (s3/adls/gcs) so that you can separate your data out by BU/Project/team etc based on...