For this to work on single-user clusters you need the Filtering Fleet enabled which requires you to enable Serverless Compute (same infra as Serverless Workflows / Notebooks / DLT).
External Tables and UC Managed Tables are similar from the perspective of Delta's properties. So, Time Travel and ACID properties are identical.
It comes down to 2 high-level differences.
UC External: You decide the exact path for the table at ta...
The permission model is designed such that you cannot see any Grants but that of yourself and/or of objects you own.
Scenario A: I am a "vanilla" user who is allowed to create a table in a schema. When I do SHOW GRANTS for my user ID, I'll see all th...
Can you check if you have access to this?
Ideally your organization should enable the system tables and provide the necessary access, so each team ...
Hope the doc link helps:
Specifically this statement should alleviate your immediate point.
Have the USE CATALOG and USE SCHEMA privilege on the catalog and schema that...