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since ‎08-07-2022

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  • 20 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 1 Kudos given
  • 10 Kudos received

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I'm using unity catalogI've changed the schema of my table by overwriting it with a newer file df.write \ .format('delta') \ .partitionBy(partitionColumn) \ .mode("overwrite") \ .option("overwriteSchema", "true") \ ...
I'm looking to migrate onto unity catalog but a number of my data ingestion notebooks throw a securityexception/whitelist errors for numerous spark. functionsIs there some configuration setting I need to enable to whitelist the spark.* methods/functi...
I'm on unity catalogI'm trying to do a dbt run on a project that works locallybut the databricks dbt workflow task seems to be ignoring the project.yml settings for schemas and catalogs, as well as that defined in the config block of individual model...
I have some python code which takes parquet files from an adlsv2 location and merges it into delta tables (run as a workflow job on a schedule)I have a try catch wrapper around this so that any files that fail get moved into a failed folder using dbu...
I'm using azure databricksI have a custom table valued function which takes a URL as a parameter and outputs a single row table with certain elements from the URL extracted/labelled(i get search activity URLs and when in a specific format I can retri...