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New Contributor III
since ‎04-03-2023

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  • 9 Posts
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  • 2 Kudos given
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Hi, I've been noticing that I cannot adjust the video speed on several videos across different courses.For example, many courses under the Unity Catalog Pathway and also Generative AI Engineering Pathway do not allow me to adjust the speed outside of...
tldr: Notebook selected "Editor theme (New)" is not being retained after viewing "push code code to repo" screen.I believe I have the answer to this issue.What's occurring and why:1. User selects: View --> Editor theme --> <<theme>> (ie: Monokai)2. U...
I want to apply a filter to a map structure (on a column called "ActivityMap") for elements only where a given predicate holds. Representative data is below. Applying both "map_filter" and "array_contains" will return rows where a predicate holds, ho...
In this specific case, we're running a 2XSmall SQL Warehouse on Databricks SQL.In looking at the SQL Warehouse monitoring log for this cluster, we noticed:final query executed by user at 10:26 on 2023-06-20no activity for some time, yet cluster remai...
I want to be able to view a listing of any or all of the following:When Notebooks were attached / detached to and from a DS&E clusterWhen Notebook code was executed on a DS&E clusterWhat Notebook specific cell code was executed on a DS&E clusterIs th...
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