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New Contributor III
since ‎10-18-2022

User Stats

  • 6 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 5 Kudos given
  • 6 Kudos received

User Activity

Hello everyone, I have an intermittent issue when trying to create a Delta table for the first time in Databricks: all the data gets converted into parquet at the specified location but the _delta_log is not created or, if created, it's left empty, t...
Hello everyone,From a list of folders on s3, how can I filter which ones are Delta tables, without trying to read each one at a time?Thanks,Ovi
Hi all! I have an S3 bucket with Delta parquet files/folders with different schemas each. I need to create an RDD or DataFrame from all those Delta Tables that should contain the path, name and different schema of each.How could I do that?Thank you!P...
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