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Contributor II
since ‎10-19-2022

User Stats

  • 14 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 3 Kudos given
  • 22 Kudos received

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Hi Everyone,I am trying to get spark context by running SparkSession builder command in a .py file and when i try to run it directl it works but if i got to a notebook and in a cell if i use %sh command to run python "myfilename" it gives an error th...
Hi All,Recently i created a custom docker image to run on databricks on cluster, Image built successfully and also cluster started but when i try to run anything in the notebook it's throwing error:File "/databricks/python_shell/scripts/db_ipyke...
Hi All, I recently have a use case where i need to run something on the databricks cluster and the bare requirement is that python version shoulde be 3.8 and DBR version should be 11+. I am confused on how to handle this. Is there anyway in which we ...
Is there any upcoming update in which UC will support DLT? if yes any expected ETA?
I cannot able to run following queriesALTER TABLE iot_events ADD ATTRIBUTE pii ON emailALTER TABLE users ADD ATTRIBUTE pii ON phoneGRANT SELECT ON DATABASE iot_data HAVING ATTRIBUTE NOT IN (pii) TO product_managersand GRANT SELECT ON iot_events TO ...