Hello, is there a way to run multiple %command in a same cell ? I heard that's not possible but would like a confirmation and maybe if it could be an idea for future updates.Moreover, is there a way to mask the output of cells (especially markdown) w...
Hello, Do some other users have some issues with Databricks today (Clusters, connection, server)?I'm experiencing slowness and failure when running notebooks. My Databricks is on Azure West Europe in Premium.
Hey, There is two possible way. First, is to use this spark library to connect to the SFTP: https://github.com/springml/spark-sftp You connect to the SFTP and load the data into your storage. The second one is to use Azure Data Factory (if you are on...
Hello Etienne, I think it's not possible.The autoloader is used to process new files from a cloud storage as said in the documentation: Moreover, to respect the Medallion cloud Architecture it's better to first ingest the files on the DBFS and after ...
Hey,To be honest I don't really know... You can check this stack Overflow post, the last reply is explaining how to do it. Moreover, there is this documentation from Databricks on the subject: https://docs.databricks.com/clusters/custom-containers.ht...
Hello @Gim, Got the same problem. Tried with the instruction "GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CAST(CURRENT_DATE() AS DATE))" but code is returning "Error in SQL statement: DeltaAnalysisException: current_date() cannot be used in a generated column" If you find ...