Hey everyone, hope you're all doing fabulously! I stumbled upon this topic, and I must say, the subject of Databricks Delta Time Travel totally intrigued me.From what I've dabbled in, Databricks Delta Time Travel is quite the nifty feature, allowing ...
Hey everyone!I'm clearly excited about this topic since I'm a huge fan of AI assistants and machine learning. MissyT, creating a basic virtual assistant with machine learning capabilities is an excellent idea! With your simple knowledge of Python and...
Hey everyone! I can totally relate to the frustration of encountering authentication issues when setting up a CI/CD pipeline. It's great that you're able to import the notebooks locally, but facing difficulties on Azure DevOps can be quite puzzling....
Hey everyone! As a healthcare enthusiast, I completely agree with Dave-Griffith's point about the potential efficiency gains in using specialized LLMs for patient history. It's amazing how advanced technology like Dolly can revolutionize healthcare....