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New Contributor III
since ‎03-15-2022

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  • 8 Posts
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I have 2 Azure Databricks workspaces (test and prod)I want to compare the notebooks to see the changes. Are there any tools which can help do this?Thanks,
Hi,I have a date column in a delta table called ADate. I need this in the format YYYYMMDD.In TSQL this is easy. However, I can't seem to be able to do this without splitting the YEAR, MONTH and Day and concatenating them together.Any ideas?
Hi,I am loading a JSON file into Databricks by simply doing the following:from pyspark.sql.functions import *from pyspark.sql.types import *bronze_path="wasbs://....../140477.json"df_incremental ="multiline","true").json(bronze_pat...
I have a customer dimension and for every incremental load I am applying type2 or type1 to the dimension.This dimension is based off a silver table in my delta lake where I am applying a merge statement.What happens if I need to go back and track ad...
Is there a best practise guide on setting up the delta lake for these 3 layers. ​I'm looking for document or scripts to run that will assist me.