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New Contributor III
since ‎04-18-2023

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  • 9 Posts
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Hi All,I am trying to create a log using python logging package.Is this allowed in databricks and any sample working code that you can share?Thank you for your guidance.Best regards,NC
Hi All,I am trying to migrate files from ADLS to newly created UC External Volume. I tried using dbutils.fs.cp but failed.May I know what is the right way to copy files without any transformation from ADLS to UC external volume.Thank you
Hi,I am trying to work on address parsing and would like to use libpostal in Databricks.I have used the official python bindings: GitHub - openvenues/pypostal: Python bindings to libpostal for fast international address parsing/normalizationpip insta...
Hi,I have a workflow setup in Databricks using 12.2 LTS ML.I am trying to use a job cluster for the task but i am getting the following error: Spark Conf: ‘spark.databricks.acl.enabled’ is not allowed when choosing an access modeAs a result I have to...
I need gdal in my course work.After reading this post, I used init script as follows to install gdal into runtime 12.2 LTS  dbutils.fs.put("/databricks/scripts/",""" #!/bin/bash sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa sudo apt-get up...