Resultset returned by DatabaseMetadata.getColumns does not include the variant column in a table. Only includes the non-variant column.Databricks JDBC driver table tvariant(rnum int, c1 variant);
Configured a Databricks workspace for SSO to an IDP (OKTA).Databricks JDBC driver to connect to Databricks using a URL similar to following where access token is obtained from the IDP (OKTA). Using tool such as SQLSquirrel wit...
A Parquet file contains character data for various languages and is shown by the Data Explorer UX. A simple "select *" query using the Databricks JDBC driver (version 2.6.29) with a tool such as SQLSquirrel displays invalid characters.
When a vendor announces new features such as a data type, their documentation may need to state if their in-market drivers do not support it or the minimum mandatory version. If they do not, then mutual customers may observe an unexpected behaviour w...
Regarding EnableArrow, it is not discussed in the PDF SIMBA distributes with the driver, it is buried in the release notes.txt file. It may be required to avoid corrupted character values being returned from the driver. This can occur with JRE 8. Hop...
Version SQLSquirrel with ibm-semeru-certified-17-jdk (17.0.11+9)With JRE options --add-opens=jdk.unsupported/sun.misc=ALL-UNNAMED failsShould be --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMEDcaused by: java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleOb...
If Databricks support/Product Management following the forum, note that PDF from SIMBA in 2.6.28 does not discuss the name-value pairs in the above solution.Other errata includes PreparedMetadataLimitZero.
If Databricks support/Product managers follow the forum, suggest you review the SIMBA provided docs.It does not discuss the name value pairs mentioned re utf and encoding. are other gaps in t...