for the below query:select base64(
to_binary(secret('secret-scope', 'data-protection-secret'), 'BASE64')
)when the value to encrypt is 2 characters, the return is always "REDACTED_POSSIBLE_SECRET_ACC...
create job with cli, but can not set the permission with cli,have to use rest api to set permission: is my command in windows to set permission:curl -X PUT https://my-workspace-url.azureda...
I am using DLT to load csv in ADLS, below is my sql query in notebook:CREATE OR REFRESH STREAMING LIVE TABLE test_account_raw
AS SELECT * FROM cloud_files(
I am trying to load from ADLS with DLT, after add the spark configurations I got below errors:org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.StreamingQueryException: [STREAM_FAILED] Query [id = 818323fc-80d5-4833-9f46-7d1afc9c5bf7, runId = 722e9aac-0fdd-4206-9d49-68...