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New Contributor III
since ‎05-01-2023
3 weeks ago

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  • 6 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
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  • 1 Kudos received

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I am trying to run a notebook job with a git repo hosted on Gitlab. I have Linked my Gitlab account using Gitlab tokenYet i am getting the following error on running the job How to resolve this?
I am trying to create a Databricks Job using Serverless Compute. I am using wheel file to run the Python Job.The wheel file has file using which all dependencies are installed. One of the package dependency is a private package hosted on Git...
My project's filefrom setuptools import find_packages, setup PACKAGE_REQUIREMENTS = ["pyyaml","confluent-kafka", "fastavro", "python-dotenv","boto3", "pyxlsb", "aiohttp", "myprivatepackage"] LOCAL_REQUIREMENTS = ["delta-spark", "scikit-lea...
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