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since ‎11-11-2022

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  • 10 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 4 Kudos given
  • 11 Kudos received

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Hello,I would like to ask for help setting up the log4j.I want to use log4j (log4j2) to generate custom log messages in my notebook when running.This message would be generated like this:"some info message") but using log4j not python lo...
Hi,when running command, it often gets stuck and message below it says: "Running Command..."What can I do with it besides of restarting cluster?Also tried reattaching and clearing state, but no help here.Thanks
Hi, I have a cluster running: But I dont see anything in Data Tab: As you can see it tells about some error, but error appeared after I deleted clusters which were terminated. Before it said something that cluster is not running, dont remember exactl...
Hi, I am trying to connect to the Storage Account using the SAS token, and receive this error: Unable to load SAS token provider class: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - more on the picture.I couldnt find anything on the web for this error.I also ...
Hi,I need some quick way to return True if Delta Table is Empty.Tried this, but is is quite slow when checking more"table_name").count()"table_name").rdd.isEmpty()len("table_name").head(1)) =...