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New Contributor III
since ‎05-02-2023

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  • 8 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
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  • 2 Kudos received

User Activity

Initially, I tried registering while logging a model from mlflow and got:"Got an invalid source 'dbfs:/Volumes/compute_integration_tests/default/compute-external-table-tests-models/test_artifacts/1078d04b4d4b4537bdf7a4b5e94e9e7f/artifacts/model'. Onl...
I'm trying to create a spark udf for a registered model and getting:Exception: Python versions in the Spark Connect client and server are different. To execute user-defined functions, client and server should have the same minor Python version. Pleas...
Hi, I'm trying to leverage CACHE TABLE to create temporary tables that are cleaned up at the end of the session.In creating one of these, I'm getting  Data too long for column 'session_data'.  The query I'm using isn't referencing a session_data colu...
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