@Prabakar Ammeappin Worked with the networking team and was able to use nc -v <redshit host> 5439 and connect thank you! I am able to read data from a table, read data from a query. However when I run:df.write \ .format("com.databricks.spark.redshi...
@Prabakar Ammeappin Is there VM type you recommend I spun up an Amazon Linux VM and was able to retrieve the private IP with %sh host -t a <VM hostname> command. I cannot use the %sh nc -v <hostname> <port number> command because it needs a port nu...
@Rohit Rajendran I have confirmed that the Redshift SG has the inbound rule with the source as the security group ID of the Unmanaged Databricks (step 8 here: https://docs.databricks.com/administration-guide/cloud-configurations/aws/vpc-peering.html...
Hi @Rohit Rajendran and @charles okoh I was able to set up VPC peering for my customer's Databricks and Redshift account. I tested the connection via %sh host -t a <redshift hostname> and confirmed the IP address. I also ran a display(spark.sql("SE...