Hi @bhanu_dp , To retrieve accidental deletes, you can -1. Restore it to a previous version using time travel featurehttps://docs.databricks.com/gcp/en/delta/history#restore-a-delta-table-to-an-earlier-state2. Use UNDROP commandhttps://docs.databrick...
@glevin , That is unfortunate. Here are few other options you could try1. Please ensure you are using latest version of the JDBC driver2. Try setting the fetch size before the query execution instead of the url as belowSET spark.databricks.jdbc.fetch...
Hi @glevin , No problem, we can try a different approach. Can you please try the fetchsize option as below?jdbc:databricks://adb-xxxx.xx.azuredatabricks.net:443;httpPath=sql/protocolv1/o/xxxx/xxxx;AuthMech=11;Auth_Flow=1;OAuth2ClientId=xxxx;OAuth2Sec...
Hi @glevin ,By default the limit is set to 1000 rows for JDBC queries. You can try specifying the maxRows parameter in the JDBC url to 5000. Example belowjdbc:spark://<databricks-host>:443/default;httpPath=<http-path>;AuthMech=3;maxRows=5000;Hope thi...
Hi @jeremy98 , It looks like the access token is incorrect or not valid. Can you please verify the following?1. Validate your access token - if you get 403 forbidden error, your access token is invalid.curl -X GET "https://<workspace_host>/api/2.2/jo...