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New Contributor III
since ‎06-05-2023

User Stats

  • 9 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 2 Kudos given
  • 1 Kudos received

User Activity

In my DLT pipeline outlined below which generically cleans identifier tables, after successfully creating initial streaming tables from the append-only sources, fails when trying to create the second cleaned tables witht the following:It'**bleep** cl...
I have multiple transactional sources feeding into my Azure Databricks env (MySQL, MSSQL, MySQL datadumps) for a client company-wide DataLake. They are basically all "managed sources" (using different DBMSs, receiving application dumps, etc), but I d...
The client receives data from a third party as weekly "datadumps" of a MySQL database copied into an Azure Blob Storage account container (I suspect this is done manually, I also suspect the changes between the approx 7GB files are very small). I nee...
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