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since ‎06-26-2022

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  • 13 Posts
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  • 17 Kudos received

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Hello,I have a database called sales which contain several delta tables and views in both production and test workspace. But the data is not synced because some people develop the code in test workspace. As time passed, both the data and the tables i...
Hi,I would like to set the owner when create a view in databricks sql.Is it possible? I cannot find anything about it.Best
Hi, I am trying to write and create a delta table by enable "delta.columnMapping.mode","name", and the partition is date. But I found that when I enable this option, the partition folder name is not date any more while it is some random two letters.A...
I am using the schema evolution in the delta table and the code is written in databricks notebook. df.write .format("delta") .mode("append") .option("mergeSchema", "true") .partitionBy("date") .save(path)But I ...
I am trying to commit and push my change to the branch, I cannot load the difference. I haven't changed many cells and each cells doesn't exceed the 500 lines in the notebook file. I am wondering why this happens and how to solve it?