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Esteemed Contributor
since ‎04-06-2022

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  • 295 Posts
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we are planning to enabled azure private link config. as per article looks , we will have 2 private link services that need to be configured and 2 private endpoints. also we would like enable system tables. based on system tables limitations it says ...
We have a requirement to configure storage credentials in UC for s3 buckets which have been previously mounted by using access keys  mounts has been depreciated and we need to configure storage credentials when we use UC. But while configuring storag...
Hi Team,we have use case to run ML use case using DLT UC, we are facing library issues Error: INVALID ARGUMENT: no module named ‘importlib_metadata’we installed them manually by passing import in notebooks, but we have lot of missing libraries and we...
Did any one tried UC DLT, we are trying to create multiple catalogs for UC DLTnote: as per limitations it won't support Locations, supports managed locationsOur use case: we want to create 2 catalogs one for dev and other for production. Dev catalog ...
we are able to test identity columns using sql/python, but when we are trying same using DLT, we are not seeing values under identity column. it is always empty for coloumn we created "id BIGINT GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY"