@FarBo The billing schema is enabled by default. Other schemas must be enabled manually.https://docs.databricks.com/aws/en/admin/system-tables#enable-system-table-schemas
@eranna_kc Greetings!
Can you post here the Job/task Notification screenshot and also the screenshot when you click on Notification destinations? Also, does it work if you add your email ID directly to the destination?
Attaching a reference screensh...
@VCA50380 Have you explored Notebooks functionality in Databricks
Widgets provide a way to capture interactive input in your notebook.Using that input, you can build SQL statements to update your backend Oracle database.Connectivity Options:
Use Spar...
@VCA50380 Greetings!
Can you elaborate more on the requirements here. Below is the documentation regarding connecting PowerBI with Databricks
To enable ODBC logging in PowerBI, go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Power BI Desktop\bin\ODBC Drivers\Simba Spark ODBC Driver folder and create or edit the file microsoft.sparkodbc.ini and update as below: