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New Contributor III
since ‎07-11-2022
3m ago

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Hi All,I need to easily find all the paths in a blob store to find the files and load them. I have tried using Azure Blob storage connection in python and I have a solution that works it is very slow. I was speaking to a data engineer, and he suggest...
Hi All,I have an issue. I have several databases with the same schemas I need to source data from. Those databases are going to end up aggregated in a data warehouse. The problem is the id column in each means different things. Example: a client id i...
Hi,I am trying to access a blob storage container to retrieve files. It's throwing this error.: Operation failed: "This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this resource type.", 403, GET,I have tried sas key at container and sto...
Hi All,I am wondering if Pandas 2.x will be available soon or is it an available option to install.I have a small job I built to manipulate some strings from  a database table when technically did the job, but doesn't scale with older versions of pan...
Along withh several other issues I'm encountering, I am finding pandas dataframe to_sql being very slowI am writing to an Azure SQL database and performance is woeful. This is a test database and it has S3 100DTU and one user, me as it's configuratio...