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Contributor III
since ‎09-11-2021

User Stats

  • 24 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 4 Kudos given
  • 15 Kudos received

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Imagine the following setup:I have log files stored as JSON files partitioned by year, month, day and hour in physical folders:""" /logs |-- year=2020 |-- year=2021 `-- year=2022 |-- month=01 `-- month=02 |-- day=01 |-- day=.....
Hi,When creating a Spark view using SparkSQL ("CREATE VIEW AS SELCT ...") per default, this view is non-temporary - the view definition will survive the Spark session as well as the Spark cluster.In PySpark I can use DataFrame.createOrReplaceTempView...
Hi,I have multiple datasets in my data lake that feature valid_from and valid_to columns indicating validity of rows.If a row is valid currently, this is indicated by valid_to=9999-12-31 00:00:00.Example:Loading this into a Spark dataframe works fine...