I am running this command: databricks bundle deploy --profile DAVE2_Dev --debug And I am getting this error: 10:13:28 DEBUG open dir C:\Users\teffs.THEAA\OneDrive - AA Ltd\Databricks\my_project\dist: open C:\Users\teffs.THEAA\OneDrive - AA Ltd\Databr...
I am running this code:curl -X --request GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <databricks token>" "https://adb-1817728758721967.7.azuredatabricks.net/api/2.0/clusters/list"And I am getting this error:2024-01-17T13:21:41.4245092Z </head>2024-01-17T13:21:41.4...
So I found a link to a page that said that the databricks bundle command is expecting python3.exe instead of python.exe. So I took a copy of python.exe and renamed it to python3.exe and that seems to work. Thanks for investigating though.
So I created the folder dist in folder, as mentioned, which does exist but the folder is deleted when I run the command. As for the required files, the files were created by running the command databricks bundle init , so what files could be potentia...