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Contributor II
since ‎08-28-2023

User Stats

  • 25 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 2 Kudos given
  • 8 Kudos received

User Activity

HelloI wanted to setup DLT to run every minute, previously it was possible with setting up in JSON "schedule": "1 * * * *"  - but now I see that is not accepted - is there any other workaround to make it working ?
HelloI am bit surprised - but I don't see any default possibility of creating continous pipeline for fetching updates from MSSQL, and inserting them into delta lake - is it true - or am I missing something? To be clear - I know we can do that semi-li...
Is there any native way to Insert data from PowerApps directly into Delta Lake?I can of course create a workflow - and push the data via API, but is there any alternative ?
HelloI have interesting challenge, I am required to install few libraries which are part of rosbag packages, for allowing some data deserialization tasks.While creating cluster I do use init_script that install this software using apt    sudo apt upd...
HelloI have issue with overwriting schema while using writestream - I do not receive any error - however schema remain unchangedBelow exampledf_abc = spark.readstream   .format("cloudFiles")   .option("cloudFiles.format", "parquet")    .option"cloudF...