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New Contributor III
since ‎09-21-2023

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  • 9 Posts
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Hi,I am trying to access excel file that is stored in Azure Blob storage via Databricks.In my understanding, it is not possible to access using Pyspark. So accessing through Pandas is the option,Here is my code.%pip install openpyxlimport pandas as p...
All,I am using Azure Databricks and at times I refer to pyspark API's to interact with data in Azure datalake using python, SQL here databricks website has the list o...
All,I have the following code.df_Warehouse_Utilization = (    spark.table("hive_metastore.dev_ork.bin_item_detail")    .join(df_DIM_Bins,col('bin_tag')==df_DIM_Bins.BinKey,'right')    .groupby(col('BinKey'))    .agg(count_distinct(when(col('serial_lo...
Hi All,Can some one please help me with the error.This is my small python code.binmaster = binmasterdf.withColumnRenamed("tag_number","BinKey")\.withColumn ("Category", when (length("Bin")==4,'SMALL LOT'),(length("Bin")==7,'RACKING'))TypeError : with...
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