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New Contributor II
since ‎10-19-2023

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Currently when DLT runs it observes NULL values in a column and infers that that column should be a string by default. The next time that table runs numeric values are added and it infers that it is now a numeric column. DLT tries to merge these two ...
Currently when a Delta Live Table fails due to an error the option to select specific tables to run a full refresh is removed. This seems like an error. A full refresh can fix an error that might be caused and you should always be able to select to d...
In Delta Live tables I ran into a situation where the Schema in the source system showed as an integer but the DLT table had already inferred the schema during a prior pull as a string. This caused a merge conflict and the pipeline failed to run.This...
Currently trying to refresh a Delta Live Table using a Full Refresh but an error keeps coming up saying that we have to use a shared cluster or a SQL warehouse. I've tried both a shared cluster and a SQL warehouse and the same error keeps coming up. ...