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New Contributor III
since ‎12-20-2023

User Stats

  • 8 Posts
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  • 1 Kudos received

User Activity

Team,I did setup a SQL Warehouse Cluster to support request from Mobile devices through REST API. I read through the documentation of concurrent query limit which is 10. But in my scenario I had 5 small clusters and the query monitoring indicated the...
Team ,I am trying understand how the parquet files and JSON under the delta log folder stores the data behind the scenesTable Creation:from delta.tables import *DeltaTable.create(spark) \.tableName("employee") \.addColumn("id", "INT") \.addColumn("na...
Team,Initially our team created the databases with the environment name appended. Ex: cust_dev, cust_qa, cust_prod.I am looking to standardize the database name as consistent name across environments. I want to rename to "cust". All of my tables are ...
Hi team,I am running a weekly purge process from databricks notebooks that cleans up chunk of records from my tables used for audit purposes. Tables are external tables. I need clarification on below items1.Should I need to  run Optimize and Vacuum c...
Team,I need to migrate only specific notebooks which has changes committed to be pulled from one repo to another repoEnvironment/Repo Setup:Master  -> Dev -> Feature Branch -> Developer commits the code in Feature Branch -> Dev has the changes from D...
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