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since ‎01-16-2024

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  • 30 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
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Hi all.I would like to know if databricks has some feature to retrieve the latest identity column value (always generated) after insert or upserts operations? (dataframe apis and sql)Database engines as Azure SQL  and Oracle have feature that enable ...
To automate the configuration of Spark on serverless compute, Databricks has removed support for manually setting most Spark configurations. I've used userMetadata attribute to add context for all workloads that write to delta tablesI have the follow...
Hi all.2 questions about compute serverless1) How to check or query the runtime version used by Serverless compute/workflow? This is important as I use some features supported by specific runtime or higher2) Can you confirm if spark.conf.set(......) ...
Hi allI've used mounts based on service principals but users using shaed clusters or the new serverless they have problems with permissions to access resources on dbfs. Right now we have used clusters in single modeWhat should be the best approach to...
HiI've tried to enabled a table to test the new variant data type (public preview)I used the alter cmd: ALTER TABLE tablexxxx SET TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.variantType-preview' = 'supported')and I have the error[DELTA_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURES_IN_CONFI...