Well currently I believe ephemeral clusters are offered on Google Cloud (GCP) Dataproc (tin boxes). Dataproc is mainly for running Spark and Hadoop jobs on GCP (you can add other artefacts to Dataproc as well like Flink etc) . Dataproc is optimized for launching ephemeral clusters quickly for short-lived jobs. So serverless is not on offer on GCP. However, you can utilize autoscaling clusters to adjust size based on workload. On GCP, BigQuery is serverless.
Mich Talebzadeh | Technologist | Data | Generative AI | Financial Fraud
United Kingdom
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Disclaimer: The information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge but of course cannot be guaranteed . It is essential to note that, as with any advice, quote "one test result is worth one-thousand expert opinions (Werner Von Braun)".