04-27-2023 04:08 PM
I am pulling data from Google BigQuery and writing it to a bronze table on an interval. I do this in a separate continuous job because DLT did not like the BigQuery connector calling collect on a dataframe inside of DLT.
In Python, I would like to read that bronze table in to DLT in a streaming fashion and create a silver table with some complex dataframe logic and functions. I can accomplish this with the below SQL, but most of our pipeline is in Python and I'd like to know how to do this.
I am probably missing something rather small. I do NOT want to use the absolute path if possible. I would rather reference the table.
How do I convert the below SQL to Python? Can I use a table reference in Python? Where is this explained in the docs?
CREATE STREAMING LIVE VIEW silver_1 -- create a new STREAMING LIVE view called silver_1
FROM STREAM(dev.bronze_raw)
-- catalog = hive_metastore
-- schema = dev
-- table = bronze_raw
-- path would be something like = dbfs:/user/hive/warehouse/dev.db/bronze_raw
Python please...
import dlt
04-28-2023 03:24 PM
The below code is a solution. I was missing that I could read from a table with `spark.readStream.format("delta").table("...")`. Simple. Just missed it. This is different than `dlt.read_stream()` which appears in the examples a lot.
This is referenced as an example in the docs on CDC: https://docs.databricks.com/delta-live-tables/cdc.html.
import dlt
table_properties = {"quality" : "silver"}
def silver_1():
# Read the changes as a stream from the table
df = spark.readStream.format("delta").table("hive_metastore.dev.bronze_raw")
# Return the entire dataframe with all columns
return df
Reading from a table like this is not explicitly given as an example in the Python ref: https://docs.databricks.com/delta-live-tables/python-ref.html. I think that making this an example in a section called "Reading from sources" with examples on how to read in various ways would save people some time. I will send some feedback on that.
04-28-2023 03:24 PM
The below code is a solution. I was missing that I could read from a table with `spark.readStream.format("delta").table("...")`. Simple. Just missed it. This is different than `dlt.read_stream()` which appears in the examples a lot.
This is referenced as an example in the docs on CDC: https://docs.databricks.com/delta-live-tables/cdc.html.
import dlt
table_properties = {"quality" : "silver"}
def silver_1():
# Read the changes as a stream from the table
df = spark.readStream.format("delta").table("hive_metastore.dev.bronze_raw")
# Return the entire dataframe with all columns
return df
Reading from a table like this is not explicitly given as an example in the Python ref: https://docs.databricks.com/delta-live-tables/python-ref.html. I think that making this an example in a section called "Reading from sources" with examples on how to read in various ways would save people some time. I will send some feedback on that.
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